Monday, December 10, 2012

MARK on St. Mark's

image from

Everyone knows St. Marks is an overwhelmingly cramped street with too many Asian restaurants, tattoo parlors, and knockoff Ray-Bans, but in the midst of this chaos lies a perfect, little burger joint named MARK. MARK's sliders, $2 each, are 2 ounces of greasy, beefy goodness made of fresh meat (a mix of sirloin, chuck, and short rib) that is ground in-house. The beef sliders are served with sliced sweet onions, which are fried with the meat, and topped with melted American cheese. Tomatoes and lettuce are not an option at MARK because according to the owner, they simply take away from the flavor of the meat. Their in-house sauces, however, are highly recommended, such as the jalapeño-honey, chipotle ketchup, and barbeque sauces. If you can't already tell from the picture and description of these heavenly sliders, let me tell you, they're AMAZING (especially after a night of pure revelry) and you can't beat the price. Aside from the sliders, a must-try is the Guinness milkshake whose flavor consists of a syrupy reduction from the beer. 

Its atmosphere, like the menu, is fun, casual, and everything you're looking for at 2 AM (MARK is open from 12 PM- 3 AM everyday). The front, exterior wall is graffitied by the tattoo artist who lives upstairs (what else would you expect from St. Marks?), and the inside is a dimly lit, chicer version of a hole in the wall that always has a good crowd and lively music.  

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